Brokers Top Two Concerns When Distributing Certificates of Insurance
In a recent online survey conducted amongst insurance professionals by the team at Certificate Exchange, there were two key issues identified by participants as “their biggest challenges.” These issues were “safety and security” and “use of staff and resources.”
The short survey conducted amongst 100 insurance brokers asked the question, “when transmitting Certificates of Insurance (COIs) online for your clients, which of the following is your biggest challenge?” Participants were asked to select one answer from the following list:
- Cost of Distributing COIs
- Safety and Security of Distributing COIs
- Use of Internal Resources to Distribute COIs
- Reliability of COI Distribution System
- Other
- I have no concerns about distributing COIs online
The results were as follows:
The fact that safety and security of distributing COIs (41%) and use of internal resources to distribute COIs (30%), are the top concerns shouldn’t be a shock to anyone. The process of providing COIs to your clients is both time and labor intensive.
That is why Certificate Exchange addressed these concerns up front and created the industry’s only patented process for safely and securely transmitting COIs online. With Certificate Exchange, brokers have the ability to send multiple COIs to multiple locations, simultaneously. And they can be assured that all transmissions are safe, secure, and authentic. No longer do insurance brokers need to use their valuable human resources to manually send certificates. Instead, they can now allocate their teams time to more productive tasks that truly grow the business.
Every single one of Certificate Exchange’s clients will attest that since they started using the system, their team has been more productive, more efficient, and more focused on the business. So, the next time you find your insurance brokerage struggling with the efficiency, safety and security of your process for transmitting Certificates of Insurance, know that you are not alone, and that there are world class systems out there to help you.
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